Mukul and Ghetto Tigers is an East London (UK) and Dhaka (Bangladesh) based theatre company.
Our mantra is
Mukul and Ghetto Tigers aim to integrate text, movement, sound and music thus stimulating creativity and provoking debate about who we are and how we communicate. We strongly believe that apart from being compelling live entertainment, theatre is the alternative voice of exploration and even dissent in a democratic society. It allows us to protect, protest and provoke.
Our outputs feature new writing and a fresh look at the classics, both western and subcontinental. Through productions, group readings, commissioning of stage works of music and dance, we have become a platform for emerging talent as well as veteran artists. We have worked tirelessly in training and breaking boundaries in theatre; and sustained and amassed a considerable body of critically acclaimed works.
Internationally Mukul and Ghetto Tigers has brought professional development opportunities and support to a wide range of both established and emerging writers and new theatre artists, enabling them to cross many boundaries, traditions and cultures. Our international partnerships and collaborations have proved to be a great help to our shared artistic and educational missions.